Cardas or Nordost???

Currently I have all Nordost Cables in my system (SPM interconnects and Red Dawn Rev 2 speaker wire) My system is very basic and consists of a Wadia 850 run directly into a Mark Levinson 331. I am thinking about trying out the Cardas Golden Reference interconnects and Neutral Reference Speaker cable. I know these cables are totally different. Any thoughts on what would be the best fit? Thanks in advance...John
you can't et much better than SPM. Try the SPM speaker cable scratch the red dawn, I've had it and there are a bunch of less expensive cables that are much better good luck
I am not an unbiased poster on this subject, I like Cardis and do not like Nordost. I am surprised that your system is not too bright or thin with the components you list and the wire you currently are using. Are you satisfied with your current sound?
I am an imagining freak. I also like my sound smooth. Next to SPM and Quattro fil the Blue Heavens are as smooth as butter when compared to Red Dawn. And I have yet to hear anything image better than Nordost(depth and width and Height); Including Golden Cross & Neutral Ref,Oval 9. Palpable images man, Palpable images!!!!
Stay with the SPM interconnects. The SPM speaker cables are a great product also. If you are looking for dynamics transient response and speed of attack Nordost is the best and mate well with solid state electronics and ESL loudspeakers. Removing the SPM interconnects is a mistake in my judgement. I've had Cardas and they make a good speaker cable but I think you would be happier with the SPM or Kimber "focal" series speaker cable. If you decide to change your interconnects, I'll buy your SPM's!
I've tried both with magnepan speakers and a mesa baron tube amp and liked the cardas better. Of course Cardas is supposed to be a good match with tubes and Maggies. Which brings up a good point. Even with cables getting the right ones is very system dependent right now I have a pair of Newform Research R645s for home audition and could see where the Nordost could sound good with them. I also like the Nirvana SX interconnect and Analysis plus speaker cables. Call the Cable company and try some out. And please when you decide to make a purchase go through them so they will be around the next time you decide to upgrade cables.