Power Cord Advice

I am thinking about replacing my power cords in my system and am looking at the Synergistic Research Power Coupler, Shuyata Black Mamba and the Harmonic Technology Pro AC-11. Any input or advice on these would be helpful. Thanks...
The best is FIM. I tried the new King Cobra version 2 and compared it to the FIM (First Impressions) and it (the Fim) ate the Cobra like a MONGOOSE. Regards, Mike
As Sol322 suggested, check previous threads. There is alot of good information. Of the ones you listed I have only auditioned the Synergistic Research Master Coupler. It was bettered only by the Marigo Audio Labs Ultra Series II on my digital front-end and the Custom Power Cord Company Model 11 on my power amps. Borrow them from The Cable Company (www.fatwyre.com) and try them in your system. I used this method to audition 9 or 10 different power cords. It was very educational, and alot of fun.
I haven't tried any of the ones mentioned by other responders, but I still think you'd be well served by trying STEALTH HAC power cords. Remarkably affordable, and they've done a great job in my system. They come with a 30-day money-back guarantee. See www.interlinkhouse.com, or email stnemo@starpower.net. Recently some were Dutch auctioned, and went for under $80.
Hi Jla. The FIM gold PC would be my first choice at $1200. A used cobra for $600 to $700 or a FIM silver ($700 retail I think) would be my 2nd choice. The coincident PC is under $300 retail and is very good. Hope I was some help.
Hi Jla; The Syn. Res. Master Couplers are excellent at their price-- and well above it I think. I have them on all my major components, and had auditioned six other cords before deciding, including ESP, Electraglide, Shunyata Sidewinder, and some others, but none of those you mention above. I plan to audition the more expensive Syn. Res. Reference for my source components, and would also like to hear some of the mid-priced Shunyatas, but the Master Couplers are so good I'm in no hurry to replace them. Good Luck. Craig.