Stylus Cleaners?

Of the stylus cleaners on the market which do you like best? Have you used any that have created short/long term problems (ie collect gunk)? Is there a product (alcohol?) that you have good luck with? Thanks, Doug
I have used the Record Research LP#9 cleaner with great success. I examined the diamond and cantilever of my Koetsu Rosewood Platinum, using a 20 power magnification, and cannot see any build up or problems at all. This has been my exclusive cleaner for well over a year, so it looks like an excellent choice so far. I should add, that there is a VERY noticeable performance gain when you clean your stylus properly.
I've been using something called Needle Nectar, and felt there was some improvement in the sound but wasn't really bowled over by huge improvements. While it looks like it does a good job cleaning the styus with a small magnifying glass, I certainly haven't examined my stylus like Albert has to see how good a job it really does cleaning. I thank you for this post and for Albert's response, as I've been looking for something better now that my little bottle is running low, and Albert knows his vinyl. Albert, out of curiosity, did you ever try the Needle Nectar?
Have to agree with Albert here. I have been using LP#9 for about two years and I routinely examine my sytlus with a 10X and 20X magnifying glass and see no "gunk!"