Help completing vinyl front end.

I have decided to take the plunge into vinyl. My current system consists of Sonic Frontiers T3/P3 digita;l, BAT VK50SE preamp; BAT VK500 Amp, Dynaudio Confidence 5 speakers. I recently inherited a VPI JMW10 tonearm and have just purchased an Aesthetix IO phono preamp. I'm leaning hevily toward a VPI TNT III turntabel and have no idea which cartridge. Any recommendations on cartridges or turntables that will blow away my digital would be appreciated. I'm looking to stay under $4k used for the remainder.
I would discourage you from shopping for a used cartridge. Unlike most components, they do wear out. I have used several of the Benz cartridges, first a silver and now a L.O. .4 and like them very much. They have them at all price ranges. You might try the Record Doctor. I have purchased both turntables and cartridges from them and have been pleased with the price and service.
Well, let's talk TT choices first. I own the VPI HW-19 Mark 4, and can recommend it without hesitation. The Mark 4 has the same platter and bearing as the TNT version. If I were in the market today, however, I'd probably get the VPI Aries instead -- marginally better performance than the HW-19 Mk 4, but MUCH better looking, and probably a better match with the JMW10 arm. Since you already own the JMW10 arm, I think you are best advised to stick with a VPI turntable rather than another brand. Harry Weisfeld's system is synergistic. As for cartridges, you've got several options. If you want to get maximum VALUE (high performance at reasonable cost), try the Shure V15VxMR, the best moving magnet on the market, which can be purchased from Garage-a-Records for about $230. Your next step up is to one of the Grado cartridges in the $500 range. The third choice is a moving coil, and the Benz Micro Glider (about $750) has been very well reviewed and seems to mate well with the JMW10 arm (which is a fairly high-mass arm, so a lower compliance moving coil could be a felicitous combo). Whichever cartridge you decide to try, however, be sure to buy it NEW, not used. And, expect to replace the stylus every 1000 hours or so of use. (One advantage of the Shure and Grado cartridges is the ease of replacing the stylus.) Last, spend a few bucks extra and get yourself a good cartridge alignment device and a stylus force gauge (Shure makes one of classic gauges).
I would second the recommendation of the VPI Aries to complement the JMW-10 arm. As to cartridges, low-output coils are the way to go. As stated above, used cartridges can be tricky business - buy new! Choices are myriad (hey, you have to be optomistic with analog) - Benz, Ortofon, Sumiko, Clearaudio, Koetsu, Lyra, and Allaerts to name a few. If you decide on the Aries, perhaps some of our members with that combo (or whichever you decide on) will voice their recommendations. Good Luck!