best inerconnect $300 to $400

hello everybody want to up grade my inerconnects.what are the best in my price range. thanks for the help
Brulee and other august members, what dealer are you using as source for Coincident ICs and do they have home trail peroid with no penalty? Cable Co has no listing for these and they carry most lines.....also have you seen any reviews for these in magazines or online? did you find out about these ICs? Sam
Hi Sam. I found about Coincident wires from buying Coincident super eclipse. Call Jon Brown (805) 9344477. He is a Coincident dealer. He will let you listen for 2 weeks. He will try to give you a pair already broke-in. Have not seen any reviews. Speaker and PCs just as good. Sam, I have 2 Coincident PC you can listen to if you like. Wont cost you any thing but shipping back to me when you are done. If you are interested let me know.
Siltech ST-18G3 and ST-28G3 are in your price range new. They are available in .25 meter increments, so you can save and probably still have enough length with a .75 meter.
The Sitech ST-38GT is also in your range in less than 1M To give you an idea, the ST-18G3 which is their "entry"? cable sounded better than Nordost Red Dawn in my system.