I would first ask: What are you using as your Phono Pre, and what is its gain in db? What is your budeget? On the low end a Music Hall MMF-2($300 list including cartridge), new or a used one, the MMF-5 is a worthwhile upgrade($500 list including cartrige). This tables come with phono cartridge and are pretty good. I listened to the MMF-2 against a $4000 cd player, and it beats the pants of it. The sky is the limit. State budget and phono pre and we will help some more.
With your present table a new cartridge is an alternative. As a rule direct drive turntables are more noisy (background noise) than belt drive ones. The main bearing is the heart of the turntable, mediocre bearing, meadiocre turntable.
I also own an Oracle, but there many other excellent turntables for less money out there.
With your present table a new cartridge is an alternative. As a rule direct drive turntables are more noisy (background noise) than belt drive ones. The main bearing is the heart of the turntable, mediocre bearing, meadiocre turntable.
I also own an Oracle, but there many other excellent turntables for less money out there.