Cartridge recs for VPI JMW arm Please

Hello all. I've recently decided to make a small jump into analog and have everything but a cartridge. I have an upgraded VPI Aries TT, JMW12 tonearm, BAT VK-5P phono pre. I'm looking for a couple of good recommendations for cartridges for this set-up. Budget is $1-2k new. I currently have a Crown Jewel SE that a friend will let me demo, but I'm concerned that the JMW12 may be too heavy for it. Please let me know if you think this cartridge will work as he will give it to me for dirt cheap.
RMaurin: You're convincing me to take the Io off the market. Everyone else: Any more cartridge recs???
With what line stage are you using the IO? I have heard it sound best driving mono SETs direct; expensively mediocre fronting numerous impedance-challenged, journal-endorsed excuses for a preamplifier.
Khrys, I have a BAT VK-50SE pre with BAT VK-500 driving Dynaudio Confidence 5s. My Io doesn't have volume control and I also frequently use my SF T3/P3 digital front end so I'd like to keep my pre. Not sure if the VK-50SE falls under your description, but I love it with my digital!