Third Party turntable motors

When needing a new motor for a turnatble does it make sense to go for a third party motor. I have heared of the Origin Live motor from the UK a few weeks ago. I know one of you has it installed on a Oracle Delphi. Anyone else into puchasing third party motors. I believe VPI sells motors separately. My assumption is that it would be cost effective to buy a motor from a company that produces them for a number of manufacturers or can fit on a number of different tables such as Origin Live, rather than to buy directly from your turntable assembler.
yup, i'm the one w/an o-l motor & p/s on my oracle. i don't see how ewe can touch it at anywhere near the price. it wooda cost me more than twice the money to change my oracle to the mkv motor-p/s, & that doesn't include the upgraded turbo p/s. i believe musikdoc also installed an o-l motor on his linn...

if ya have a good 'table & the motor could use some help, then i'd definitely go for it.

Yeah, I have an LP-12 with an O.L. DC motor kit. My Valhalla PS went kaput, so I yanked the whole deal and installed the O.L. It's ASTOUNDINGLY good compared to the Linn PS/motor. Definitely extended it's life span w/ me whilst I contemplate my next analog step. If it will fit on your table, go for it! You mention VPI - I believe the kit will work on the HW-19 (is that right?) series, not sure about the bigger puppies in the line.
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