Looking to get TT

I seeking getting into a first TT and would like help!
My current system is Classe 25 amp, Classe CP-60 pre, Sonic Frontiers SFD-2 D/A, Sonic Fontiers SFT-1 Transprt
and Martin Logan Ascent. My preamp doesn't have phono so I would need phono preamp to hook into my CP-60 so having explained my set and only wanting to spend no mor than $1000 on TT and phono pre can it be done?
Was thinkng going with music hall MMF-5 andCreek OBH-8 as this would be my first TT set up and total cost would be around $700. Is this going to give me many years of good sound? in the future I can go with phono card for my preamp.
After reading alot of the post here and the recommendations from you guys here, are my choices

1. VPI-19 jr with AQ PT-6 arm
2. VPIHW-19 mk III
3. Sumiko Pro-Ject prospective
4. MMF-7
5. VPI Aries Scout

1 thru 4 are pretty close in price at $900-$1000 new
and the VPI Scout is $1400 new, what would you all buy?
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One other comment about your choices. If you are new to vinyl, one of the most difficult aspects will be the set-up. This can make or break your satisfaction w/ vinyl. This is a big reason to buy from a local dealer who knows how to set-up tables, if you have such a dealer. While some of your choices are more plug and play than others, all will require some attention to set-up. Alternatively, if you need or want to buy mail order, you should try to find a table that can be largely set up by the dealer and shipped that way. I speak from personal experience on this.
TWL, why do you think the Music Hall TTs are "warm" sounding?

Hint: my creature on steroids is neutral sounding...


OK, some clarifications:

1) I have learned that phono stage is more important than TT. My next step is to send my phono preamp's outboard power supply to cryo treatment.

2) Digital doesn't sound that great because most people have mediocre power delivery/noise control measures. I have conquered noise in my system and digital is really something to be enjoyed. Analog is not superior in all respects. My goal is to keep analog and digital in balance...

3) Use digital as your reference for PRAT. Otherwise, you'll be prone to fall for a "magic" sound that has nothing to do with reality, especially with some moving coil designs. I find my modded Groovemaster MM cartridge more musically accurate than my Ortofon X5 MC.

4) My choice of TT is being marketed not to audiophiles, but to libraries and radio stations as a *transcription* TT. It is an accurate tool, not a spatial enhancer...
Francisco, because they just are (warm sounding). Tonal colorations would be my first guess. :^)