Well, I was away from this thread for awhile, and didn't realize my name was being mentioned.
First, I really have no desire to have a pissing contest at my house. My house is a genuine Appalachian log cabin, very small, and no typical amenities that I'm sure you all are accustomed to. I doubt any of you would be comfortable here, although the outhouse isn't too cold this time of year. I carry water in from the spring outside. You get the idea.
Second, I think that most of this is really a moot point. Whatever a person is happy with, is fine for them. The only part that is quesionable about this, is whether the ranting and raving from either side about the preferred type of turntable, is accurate information for others to go by. I certainly have my feelings which are well known to all of you. Many of us like to expound upon the virtues of whatever system we have. This is only natural. I do it all the time. I don't have any problem with others doing it. If it comes down to a shoot-out, may the best TT win. That's all I have to say.
PS - No shoot-out at my house.
First, I really have no desire to have a pissing contest at my house. My house is a genuine Appalachian log cabin, very small, and no typical amenities that I'm sure you all are accustomed to. I doubt any of you would be comfortable here, although the outhouse isn't too cold this time of year. I carry water in from the spring outside. You get the idea.
Second, I think that most of this is really a moot point. Whatever a person is happy with, is fine for them. The only part that is quesionable about this, is whether the ranting and raving from either side about the preferred type of turntable, is accurate information for others to go by. I certainly have my feelings which are well known to all of you. Many of us like to expound upon the virtues of whatever system we have. This is only natural. I do it all the time. I don't have any problem with others doing it. If it comes down to a shoot-out, may the best TT win. That's all I have to say.
PS - No shoot-out at my house.