Dustcovers.. on or off...

Curious as to who does what..I've always read that a dustcover left on is akin to an antenna for vibrations. I usually remove mine when doing serious listening, just wondering what everyone else thinks about the subject...
I am lazy, but I do leave it UP when using the TT. The annoying vibrations I get is mainly the dust cover against the base when there are outside vibrations, so leaving it up stops this. I suppose there are other low level vibrations, but I admit I am not a hard core vinyl listener.
I've heard it both ways on a SOTA turntable, and the sound was clearly compromised by the dustcover. Ken's post is correct, in my view.
This is an easy issue for me, the Walker turntable does not offer the option of a dust cover. When I last owned a table with a cover (Basis MK5) I removed it and put it on the dining room table.
NO dustcover ever, for the above reasons, I now have gone even so far as having the turntable and the first chain of amplification in a different room to where the speakers are.