Koetsu cartridge rebuild

I have an older Koetsu Rosewood and was wondering if anyone could recommend someone who rebuilds these things. I've never even thought of doing this before, but I see fairly often where somebody is selling a retipped or rebuilt cartridge. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Skip
VDH rebuilds/retips all mc cartridges now, not just their own. The ad for this was in the back of Stereophile or TAS (or both), can't quite remember right now.
I've had a pair of Koetsu Rosewood Signatures either rebuilt by Koetsu ($1300 for a complete, like-new rebuild), or retipped (new stylus, some maintenance) several times by Benz Micro. That was about $800, and was also fine, but it was not a rebuild, and these things are getting old. Musical Surroundings imports both Koetsu and Benz, and can probably give you the best advice on the differences between rebuilding and retipping. Van den Hul, through Stanalog, theit distributor, also retips Koetsus, is somewhat cheaper $500? $600? and is supposed to be excellent, although I haven't yet tried them. My gut feeling is that if this is an original Koetsu from the '80s or early '90s, it probably could use a Koetsu rebuild even if that costs more.
Keep in mind that if you have your Koestu "retipped" by other than Koetsu itself, you may not be getting a Koestu back.By this I mean that depending on what needs be done you may end up with a hybrid(ex.-VanDenHul or Benz Micro generator in your Koetsu body).By the time most stylii show enuf wear to need replacement, the suspensions are also in a bad way.In every case that I am awares, the cartridge will be overhauled with the "re-tipping" services own parts.

I agree with Ken. Be aware too, that some re tip jobs consist of gluing a new cantilever/stylus assembly where the old one makes its exit out of the generator. This makes the business end new, but does not address the problems of suspension, and integrity of the original design. Not the same as a rebuild by Musical Surroundings, particularly if the Koetsu makes the trip back to Japan.