HomeGrown Audio Impressions

By now, I think enough of us have had the time to gauge the performance of this cable to be able to offer concrete opinions. I am curious as to the impressions of others on this cable. In my system(tubes and silk dome tweeters), I am shielded from the nasty things a silver cable can engender in some systems. They would be brightness, harshness, and irritating distortion. The negatives I have found with this unshielded cable are a significant raising of the noise floor(which you forget about when you start to play music), and a big dose of RFI when using the cable on my tuner. RFI stoppers sent to me by Eldragon(thanks so much) have done a great job cleaning things up. Otherwise, I cannot knock the cable on any level. In fact, I am able to hear farther into the music than with any copper cable I have ever tried. The sound is full, extended, and detailed. Bass response is excellent. I A/B the cable against Coincident. The Coincident has the advantage of not having RFI problems. But the HomeGrown lets me hear things the Coincident doesn't pass through. The fact that this cable is only $70 makes me think it has to be the best kept secret in wire. Better performance than Kimber KCAG, for less than the price of PBJ. Of course, it will not work for everyone. But, I am wondering how everyone else is perceiving this product. Please share with us your opinions of performance in your systems. I cannot say it is the best, because I am now using a cable that has redefined what I have gotten from wire. Just burning it in on my tuner now. Will switch to the CD player over the holiday. If performance transfers, this will be the best cable, BY FAR, I have ever used. Will report then. Thanks to everyone for your impressions.
Hey, I just did a traditional AA one liner post. Don't know if I like it. I feel different, kind of light headed. Anyone interested in a one liner thread?
Treja..thanks for the advice..acutally I dont get any audible noise with either the SS's or my ref. Transparent cable. Seems its like a degree of hash, spitiness and roughness in the upper highs with the SSs...mmmm seems strange..but maybe its the unsheilded design....
I justed wanted to post an update. The sibilance on female vocals has nearly disappeared. Its source was completely unexpected: vibration. I plan to start a new thread discussing the vibration control products I used.
Hi, I am looking for a 4M balanced IC. This IC will be between the Jadis JPS2 and JA50. I have always heard that Silver IC works magic in Jadis system because of its speed, transparancy and abilty to reveal the smallest musical information. For now, the choices are Silver Audio Appasionata, Hyacinth, Coincident CST and Home grown Silver Lace. I really need a recommendation from someone with experience on these cables. If possible please state whether your system is SS or tube. Thanks Terry