Cartridge for RB300 other things

i just purchased a used planar 3 w/rb300 arm(no mods) and would like some opinions about a suitable mm
cartridge (300-500 $'s). i currrently have an ortophon om30 and it's ok (a bit bright). also i'd like to replace the felt mat with either a ring-mat or audioquest sorbogel mat-what are the merits if any with either one of these and how can i adjust the vta for the mat & or cartridge. also if some one could pass along any other tweaks
that would improve this tt-thanks
I think the above suggestion is a good one. My dealer recommended the Rega cartridges, and I know others use the Sumiko Blue Point special.
Rega recommends several different cartridges, including Dynavector, Grado, and Sumiko. I have a RB900 arm, and use Grado and Shure V15VxMR cartridges which both work well.
Why do so many people like the Blue Point? It's the worst. Go with the Dynavector 20 or Aurum Beta S
I have the Planar 3/RB300 setup with a Grado Platinum Reference cartridge. One thing you should be aware of is the (slightly) audible hum the Planar motor will generate in this cartridge. It might not suit your expectations. It is something I am becoming less tolerant of as time goes by. I was sold this combo on the advice that the performance otherwise was a worthwhile the trade off. I have no experience with anything else in this price/performance range, so I can't compare to other recommendations.