Best cables for Krell Components

Please, tell what you think. Make any suggestions with some comments. It will be appreciated. Thanks.
Carl, Thank you very much for the enlightening post, and mentioning that you tried the Cardas Neut Ref ICs. Can you give me a better idea of what you heard with Cardas cables that you didn't like? I will definitely have to give the MIT 330s a listen in my system, regardless.
Carl, I must say one thing "THANK YOU VERY MUCH !". I have heard Cardas and StraightWire cables and it is not the sound I am looking for. One thing I don't like about Krell sound is the middle. The dynamics are to punchy. I am definitly looking forward to hear the MIT cables to get a more "tube-like musical roundness" as you say. That is exactly what I am looking for. Thanks again, it is really appreciated.
One thing I will say, is that if you like what the Cardas are doing in your system, you might not like the MIT. The main problem I had, was that neither the Cardas NR ic, nor the speaker cable, were tonally neutral. In my system (on either my Krell or tubed Rogue amps...also on HD-600 headphones for the ic, with a 6922 tubed headphone amp), the NR ic was forward in the midrange between 500 Hz and 2 kHz, and the speaker cable was very forward in the range between 3 kHz and 8 kHz...that one to an "analytical/clinical" degree. There were other tonal, "glare", and "musical timing" problems (those mostly in the upper bass), but the tonal ones I mention stood out the strongest. Both of these were rentals from The Cable Company, and had around 2000 hours of use on each one (so burn in was not an issue). I also burned them in for long periods in my system, before evaluating (I had the speaker cables for nearly two months). LET ME STRESS AGAIN, IF YOU AREN'T HEARING THIS FROM THE ONES YOU HAVE (or if you hear some of the opposite, even), THEN IT IS LIKELY THAT YOU WILL NOT LIKE THE MIT CABLES. They will still be more dynamic than the Cardas, of course, no matter what system they are in IMO...but they won't be tonally neutral in a context where the Cardas NR sounds "correct", in my opinion. THIS IS ALSO NOT TO SAY THAT I AM CLOSED MINDED TOWARD CARDAS (unlike I am toward one cable maker that I won't belabor about here). I still want to try Golden Cross interconnect, and Golden Reference ic and speaker cable. However, I am in no hurry to do so (you can't be in a "hurry" for much of anything in this hobby, as I'm sure you all are already aware). From the specs, Golden Reference looks like it would sound radically different, from that of either NR or Golden Cross.
Carl, thanks again. Your comments are very pertinent. I've been told that Granite and Tice cables were suited for Krell components. It is the first time I heard about these two companies and it is not easy to find authorized dealers. I must say that I listened to the cheaper Quadlink cables from Cardas. I would be very interested to listen to the Golden Cross or the Golden Reference cables. I think, the next step will be to test these cables. Thanks again.
No, the next step should be to try MIT cables. You're welcome, for what little help this seems to be having.