Anything beat dh labs t-14 for the money......

any other cables that can compete with this for the cash...Im not a cable freak...but am willing to drop $200 or so just see if there is a larger, justified investment down the road...or if I can already distinquish differences between hi end speakers/ electronics with my current 14awg copper I really need to upgrade?
PS... If looking at spec's for an amp and trying to ascertain the susceptability of the amp to various speaker cable / speaker loads, look at what is called "power bandwidth" and NOT "frequency response". The power bandwidth is the frequency range that the amplifier can deliver full rated power to while meeting distortion / linearity specs. Frequency response is typically rated at 1 watt, which tells you nothing about the amplifiers actual linearity at the frequency extremes. While it is true that narrow bandwidth designs ( limited power bandwidth ) can still oscillate, those with a wider power bandwidth are typically more susceptible to such problems.

As a side note, many manufacturers no longer disclose "Power Bandwidth" on amplifiers as it is a more telling specification in terms of how well the product is engineered. Instead, they concentrate on publishing the spec's that make their product look like a better performer rather than disclosing the big picture, which might expose "lower grade" designs for what they are. Sean
Sean, I like this good mentioning of "Power Bandwidth" is realy missing parameter that DOES specify how good this amp should sound to make everyone clear that specifications means something at least.
How about amps that have badwidth(and certainly amplitude) limitations truely according to a-must to follow RF compatibility rules and with no compromise to the hobbyist-built components? It realy just a matter of time fine-tuning input, driving and output stages to the perfection and carefully and thoroghly selecting values for correction to prevent any kind of self-oscillation. There are too many tips on amp-building and tuning but the bottom line is that self-oscillation on 200kHz or in the range is NOT acceptible on any component.
Certainly if OpAmp chips are used in input and driving stages the self-oscillation problem is already solved but sound is what will suffer. Tuning transistors or tubes is much more complicated and time consuming issue and time consumption is not good for business.
I compared Analysis Plus to DH labs, but my results differed from above. The AP sounded much like 12ga lamp cord, the T-14 in shotgun config sounded more like 500 Audioquest cables I also tried at the same time.