The "Broken Blue Point Special Club"

Geez am I a klutz! While installing a new BPS I hooked the stylus and bent it so badly that it makes a horrible humming noise. To make matters worse, I tried to "straighted it out" and sheared the stylus off completely. Can anyone confirm my fear that the next step in this process is to simply throw the thing away, or can it be repaired?
Seems I hold the B-BPS record (to-date). TWO cartrigdes, retipped 3x each. Became a regular chez V den Hul retipping services. Started out, as a self-respecting audiophile, yanking the cantilever while dusting the TT (hi-level resolution is infinitely improved when you remove dust, and the cantilever along with it).
At the end of the third cantilever bending of the 2nd cartridge, I decided to service the BPS myself -- by applying super glue. V den Hul's comment to the dealer (yes, back there again) "someone applied crazy glue to the cartridge. Your have crazy clients??"
Before starting the post I had to go check on my (new) Discovery -- it was still there.
I'll check again now that I'm finished.
Gregm, How many "frog-pelts is it setting you back for each retipping. The reason I ask is I just got off the phone with Jim Alexander at Sumiko in Bezerkeley, CA. and he informed me that they do not retipp-em but most of the online dealers (The Needle Doctor?) will give a $85.00 core credit on the purchase of a new one. FYI the suggested retail is now up to $349.00

It might be a good idea for the rest of you considering sharing a nightmare story to refrain. I fear we just might be giving to much ammo to the CD tribe.
Dickens, the price was $~100 incl shipping. I got a $200 credit towards the purchase of the Clearaudio Discovery ($+2000, retail) a year ago.
I belong to this club, too...

I recently bought a turntable and decided not to get a SBP immediately. I have been five years out of the hobby, so I bought a Grado Prestige Blue to play around and get used to installing and handling cartridges. I'm glad I did.