Acoustic Zen Silver Reference IC

I recently acquired an Acoustic Zen Silver Reference balanced interconnect, (Acoustic Zen was formed by cable designer Robert Lee who used to be the designer of Harmonic Tech.)since I always wanted to try out new interconnects anyway.

I initially expected this cables to be just another cable since I have Nordost Quattro Fil as a reference on my all solid state system (EMC1,Krell KRC3 and FPB200,Thiel CS3.6). Much to my surprise without even breaking it in as I placed it on my system the sound just change to the best sound I heard coming from my speakers. I was shaking my head as this is really happening without the quattro fil in line. I'm not the best guy to write about audiophile sound but I can tell you that this cable just blew the all other cables I had in my system. This cable simply brought my system to another level. Resolution and transparancy increased three fold allowing details to emanate from the music naturally w/o being analytic, or "in your face". Anybody looking for a new cable, this one really is worth an audition.

Glide3, I am considering the SX interconnects and was wondering what your system is?
All reviews have been very positive for AZ cables, but price range is very high, even if bought used. This leads me to think that soon AZ line will be expanded to lower price models, as the market for higher end cables is very small. Perhaps you could get 95% of the sound for half price soon.....just speculating. It would be interesting to compare HT new MAGIC line of cables to AZ, I would not be surprised if they are very similar sounding.
Just went to website given by Dolphin, not surprisingly the cables look very similar to Harmonic tech, both in shape, size, and connectors. I own several HT cables and always thought the locking RCA connectors were inferior to locking WBT models, or even Cardas friction fit RCAs, so I am very surprised that it seems AZ uses same RCAs on these much higher priced ICs.