Is this why my analog rig isn't so hot?

Hi All,

My system is quite decent, but...

Could it be the voltage output of my Benz Glider is too high?

My photo stage - a 47 Lab PhonoCube - could handle low outputs down to 0.12 mV. Since my Glider has a medium output (0.83 mV) - is this why I'm not that happy with my system? I seem to want to hear more, specially the top.

If I got the same Glider but with a lower output, would it make a difference? Or should I get a better cartridge? And which one?

My system:

Basis 2000 table
RS-A1 Lab arm
Benz Glider (0.83 mV)
47 Lab PhonoCube phono stage
47 Lab Chooser passive preamp
47 Lab Gaincard amp
Konus Audio Essence speakers

Hello George

The problem is not that you need a better cart but one with a lower internal impedance. All the Benz carts have an impedance around 30 Ohms and The 47 Labs wants to see carts with lower impedance, around 10 Ohms on down for their "standard" Phonocube.
I have a Phonocube and it didn't sound so great with a Benz Ruby 2 that I used to own, not because of the gain issues either. It doesn't have the dynamics and all the musical fun stuff your system should be capable of. Do not let anyone convince you to change that Phonocube either, that is one of the greatest on the market.
I personally prefer the carts made in Japan, wheather it be Miyabi, Dynavector, Sheltor, Lyra, Keotsu, ZYX, and Denon.

I am using a Denon 103R now with my Phonocube a great match and in my opinion better deal than a Glider that I owned at one time aswell.

I suggest going to your dealer or buy something hear on Audiogon. There are many good dealers selling carts that would match your Phonocube.

The gain on both of their "Phono Cube's" is very high. It is possible that highly modulated passages may cause clipping of the circuit, which would tend to sound very fuzzy or distorted, not necessarily "dull".

My first suggestion is that you should verify proper installation and loading of the cartridge. If ANY of these parameters are off, high frequency extension and resolution will be reduced.

While i don't know the specifics of the Benz cartridge that you have, from what i can recall talking to a few others that were very familiar with them, i don't think that they are an "overly open" or "extended" sounding cartridge. I could be wrong about this though, so others that are more familiar with them may be of more help. My comments are based on conversations that i've had with some folks that had Benz cartridges that ended up switching over to Dynavector's and were much happier. Personal preference, arm / cartridge matching, gain / loading, etc.. could have all come into play here, so take that for what it's worth. Sean
I agree with the above, as for a better cartridge i would look at the dynavector line. I have an XX-2 and it works wonderfully. Also most of their range is about .23 output so i believe it would be a much closer match to the gain on the phonocube. Also i have heard the top of the line dynavector with the phonocube and i was absolutely floored by the sound. possibly the best analog playback i have ever heard.
Hi NGeorge,

(Yes, I hang out here too!)

I agree with all the above, although certain cartridges mentioned by Pcosta are probably unsuitable for your arm. I also like the sound of the Denon 103's, Shelters(!) and Koetsus. But I'd never put one on an RS-A1. (Remember the "moving mass" issue we discussed?)

Lyra (also recommended by someone on VA) and Dynavector are both likely to be more suitable compliance matches for an undamped, unstabilized unipivot. Even the damped and stabilized Graham 2.2 cannot get the most out of low compliance cartridges like a Shelter or Denon.
Paul, Sean, Asonicyouth, Doug,

Thanks for your input. I'll be on the lookout for those cartridges.
