Cryo your cables?

I was talking with a buddy of mine that builds racing engines for karts and the subject of cryogenic freezing came up. For the past couple of years this has been THE hot thing to have done to your engine parts to reduce wear and friction. I checked out a place on the web called that does this work. Now for the interseting part relating to cables. They say that one of the frequently treated alloys is copper, espescially welding electrodes. Quote- "The increased durability of Copper from cryogenic treatments is increased homogeneity of the crystal structure. The material becomes more compact, dissolving gaps and discolorations or, for example, chrome carbides found in class II copper. Because of structural compactness there is less electron obstruction which improves electrical conductivity. It has also been learned that as a result of increased conductivity, welding amperage can be reduced thereby further prolonging the service life of electrodes." This got me thinking, what would such a difference in crystal structure do to interconnects and speaker cables? It would seem that what they claim of reduced electron obstruction and increased conductivity would be a positive thing in an audio environment. Has anyone ever thought about this before or actually had their cables treated? I would like some other opinions on this. I'm definitely having my drag-bike engine shipped out this winter to be treated, but I never thought before about how it might make cables sound different.
How much does this cost. I'd try it and see. Maybe I'll start with a ac cord.
There has been a lot of discussion on this. Search on the Audio Asylum website for this. Also this was discuss in several issues of "Bound for Sound."
I think that Jim Aud at Purest Audio Deesign has done this for years. Maybe Albert Porter will step in, he'll know. Have you heard the difference between treated and un-treated cables Albert?
Yes, Cryo definately works! I discovered this process in the last year, and have been shocked at how much difference a deep freeze can make. Apparently, this is no snake oil, but a proven way to enhance the micro crystaline structure of any metal alloy. A aerospace buddy informed me about the structural benefits with the cryo process, and I wondered if these enhancements might improve the performance of my cables. Sonically, they become more "laid back" sounding, and have a slightly more open soundstage. Now, for the kicker: You don't have to spend a ton of money at a cryo place in order to cryofreeze your cables. All you have to do is buy a block of dry ice, put it in a styrofoam container, place your cables in the container, seal the container, and put it in your freezer overnight. The sonic improvements are similiar to the expensive deep freeze cryo places, except it only costs you 10 bucks in dry ice!
What exactly does the dry ice do? I'm not sceptical, just inquisitive. Does it do something to do with the absolute temperature of the dry ice? And what is the temperature of a cyro treatment.