>>Careful, don't commit to a real position on anything too specific.<<
2nd time that you're accusing me and not reading my comments properly, its here again if you can read. What can be more specific than this?
>>The 2000 series is highly colored, has a dark over all character with rolled off highs, very limited bass, if any at all, and anemic mids.... you can add upper bass hump to the suspended model<<
You might not like what I have to say but don't accuse of me of not taking a position and being vague. I don't see why you're trying so hard to make things personal instead of posting a relevant response to the problem.
>>Careful, don't commit to a real position on anything too specific.<<
2nd time that you're accusing me and not reading my comments properly, its here again if you can read. What can be more specific than this?
>>The 2000 series is highly colored, has a dark over all character with rolled off highs, very limited bass, if any at all, and anemic mids.... you can add upper bass hump to the suspended model<<
You might not like what I have to say but don't accuse of me of not taking a position and being vague. I don't see why you're trying so hard to make things personal instead of posting a relevant response to the problem.