Normally, I'd have let your counterpoint stand without a retort but as you used my name several times in your reply, I feel obligated to comment.
The issue here is not that George couldn't eventually band-aid his rig into submission but that he's wasting his energies and monies in doing so.
>>>"...there are many issues on your high frecuency problem because any single link in your audio system chain is important: room, electronics, loudspeakers, cables, position of your loudspeakers, etc..."<<<
Georges system is a very thorough and complete "textbook" 47 Labs assemblage. He is happy,nay elated, with it's performance on the whole yet he doesn't find that the vinyl portion is meeting his expectations gathered from that which he receives from his digital source.Why muck with the overall system when it's producing the goods for him? The finger points to the vinyl rig.
He's much better off in stepping back and setting up a new game plan that will suit his tastes over the long haul.
Sure the internal impedance of his MO Benz Glider isn't optimal for his standard gain Phonocube but as an owner of such and having used both the standard and high gain models in a variety of situations, I am confident that this isn't the primary source of his dissatisfaction.His futzing over the quality of his vinyl reproduction has been a long standing concern for George over a number of years.It's time for him to move on and solve the problem at the source.
"70% to 80% of the quality of the sound reproduction comes from the tonearm/cartridge combo"
That tells me more about your musical value system than I cared to know.