Is this why my analog rig isn't so hot?

Hi All,

My system is quite decent, but...

Could it be the voltage output of my Benz Glider is too high?

My photo stage - a 47 Lab PhonoCube - could handle low outputs down to 0.12 mV. Since my Glider has a medium output (0.83 mV) - is this why I'm not that happy with my system? I seem to want to hear more, specially the top.

If I got the same Glider but with a lower output, would it make a difference? Or should I get a better cartridge? And which one?

My system:

Basis 2000 table
RS-A1 Lab arm
Benz Glider (0.83 mV)
47 Lab PhonoCube phono stage
47 Lab Chooser passive preamp
47 Lab Gaincard amp
Konus Audio Essence speakers


If I am thinking of the same person who gave up on the Teres, it does come to mind that this person did concede that perhaps he didn't have the best suited stand for it. Every table has it's fans and detractors. But as we all know this whole audio component choice thing is highly subjective. I believe that Ken is attempting to recommend a table to you based on what he believes you would want to hear. Short of a side by side audition of several tables I suppose that is the best most can do. If you think that he does know what you want to hear then maybe his advice is good for you. But I think that it is a big stretch to go from there to condeming several respected makes of tables. Anyway, good luck in your search for what sounds good to you.
What's the difference between static compliance and dynamic compliance value? some cartridge company gives you static compliance and some dynamic compliance. What does all this mean? I just know that my cartidge is a high compliance according to the manufacutres website and from professional reviewers.
George, with your system as it stands, how much can you turn up the vol pot on your passive pre? 8 o'clock? 9 o'clock? 12 o'clock?

Compare this when playing CDs and LPs.

Also what cables are you using between the source (phono/CD) and your preamp?
I don't think making sure the loading is correct in the phonocube is wasting time. You already have all the equipment George, you might as well make sure you've got it properly dialed in... how else can you make a reasonable decision about the sound of your rig? You'd have to do the same with another TT anyway...
Quite a fascinating conversation, George is certainly getting an earful. If I were in his position, I would certainly explore all reasonable no-cost or low-cost solutions before dumping my whole rig and starting over.

I'm not saying Ken is wrong about the Basis. I've never heard one as I mentioned, but I'm no fan of acrylic tables and I have no trouble believing that adding the suspension could impair clean, strong bass response. I've written about the theoretical danger of that several times. OTOH, I've never heard anyone call the Basis bearing "loose". I thought it had a rep for being one of the best. ??

You didn't say why you'd avoid Clearaudio or Teres or make any model distinctions. Why the blanket slams? How about some specifics. What have you heard?

In the case of Clearaudio I suppose it might be the acrylic thing again, but what are your objections to Teres? With the exception of the one person already mentioned by Dan_ed, the response of every Teres hearer has been positive. In side-by-sides with Linn, Basis, Clearaudio and Nottingham a comparably priced Teres has usually come out on top. I don't know of anyone who's A/B'd a Linn vs. a Teres and preferred the Linn.

I can tell you for certain that the two Teres rigs I've heard have snapping dynamics, unlimited HF response and clarity, and clean bass to well below 20Hz. (Mine plays cleanly down to at least 16Hz, the lowest I can hear, and I suspect larger models would do even better.) As Dan_Ed said, proper support is vital, as are a suitably matched arm, cartridge and phono stage.

Which gets us back to George's problem...