If I am thinking of the same person who gave up on the Teres, it does come to mind that this person did concede that perhaps he didn't have the best suited stand for it. Every table has it's fans and detractors. But as we all know this whole audio component choice thing is highly subjective. I believe that Ken is attempting to recommend a table to you based on what he believes you would want to hear. Short of a side by side audition of several tables I suppose that is the best most can do. If you think that he does know what you want to hear then maybe his advice is good for you. But I think that it is a big stretch to go from there to condeming several respected makes of tables. Anyway, good luck in your search for what sounds good to you.
If I am thinking of the same person who gave up on the Teres, it does come to mind that this person did concede that perhaps he didn't have the best suited stand for it. Every table has it's fans and detractors. But as we all know this whole audio component choice thing is highly subjective. I believe that Ken is attempting to recommend a table to you based on what he believes you would want to hear. Short of a side by side audition of several tables I suppose that is the best most can do. If you think that he does know what you want to hear then maybe his advice is good for you. But I think that it is a big stretch to go from there to condeming several respected makes of tables. Anyway, good luck in your search for what sounds good to you.