Cables for ML380S/ML332/Res Aud CD-55

Looking for advice/experience with cables for ML332/ML380S combination and Resolution Audio Cd-55. Speakers are Dunlavy SC-IV's and speaker cable is Kimber Bi-Focal XL. I have been using Magnan VI balanced between ML332 and ML380S. Thanks for the advice and recommendations in advance. Best wishes, Bill E
Heh, Thanks all for the imput. On point, off point and to the point. It's a delight to read the thoughts and experiences of each and your recommendations. And to be sure, I love the personal banter. Life ain't nothing without a cock fight! I have found the Cardas Golden Cross interconnects between the CD and the pre-amp "too soft and fleshy" in detailed orchestral music. It seems to lack the fiber that I hear in other's systems. I will report the change with the Kimber's which should arrive tommorrow. Again, all imput appreciated. Bill E.
Hey Bill, thanks! That makes me feel better about passing up on some Cardas Golden Cross ic's this past week. I think I should focus more on Discovery Essence, I'm trying it now, and really like it.
Heh, Thanks all for the imput. On point, off point and to the point. It's a delight to read the thoughts and experiences of each and your recommendations. And to be sure, I love the personal banter. Life ain't nothing without a cock fight! I have found the Cardas Golden Cross interconnects between the CD and the pre-amp "too soft and fleshy" in detailed orchestral music. It seems to lack the fiber that I hear in other's systems. I will report the change with the Kimber's which should arrive tommorrow. Again, all imput appreciated. Bill E.
Hi Carl. It just so happens that I just got a pair of Discovery plus 4 RCA's and find them slightly more detailed and open than the Cardass. Why don't you get back to me with your experience. Thanks. Bill E.
I haven't done enough back and forth direct comparisons yet, but from my memory, these may be what I've been looking for.