Amp+Cords or New Amp, best bang for $$$

If I have ONLY $4k to spend on an amp, should I get a less expensive amp and put the rest to Power Cords or should I spend the whole enchilada on an amp. I currently have a BAT VK-500 with BAT PAK and PS Audio Lab Cables but am very curious about the Levinson 333. This isn't necessarily about my specific choices, but rather the wisdom of spending $1k or more on cables prior to upgrading an amp. I sometimes wonder if it isn't a lot like those hopped-up toyotas. Like many of you, I use Audiogon as my listenening room so I'm looking for some feed-back prior to "using my ears" to decide. FYI- Sonic Frontiers T3/P3, BAT Vk5i, Dynaudio Confidence 5, Kimber KCTG ICs and Cardas Golden Cross Speaker Cables.
Meta: Interesting to note that most comments are related to the PC. I think if any of the posters have comments on the current amp vs the Levinson might be useful for him. I have no experience with neither so I can not help here... A PC in my experience could improve (or worsen) a piece of equipment within it´s performance window but won´t be able to bridge a big gap in performance that two units of different quality level might have. Regards
I have found that the FIM Power cords can make a larger difference than changing amps in many cases. I suggest you try a FIM Gold power cord on your amp. I do not hesitate in saying this as my personal experience with these cords made me a believer. I was about to purcahse 4 Power snakes (KC v.2) when I compared them to the FIM. The FIM was so much better, I was actually embarrassed that I had taken the Snakes to audition against the FIMS. They are the REAL DEAL. What ever you decided to do I wish you the best. Regards, Mike
Interesting question, and I have one suggestion. Buy a pair of Transcendent Sound T8 OTL monos for around $4000 and forget about power cords. Bruce Rozenblitz says that his design is such that a $5 stock power cord is no different than a mucho dinero power cord. And I have verified it to my satisfaction. The sound is the same (and wonderful sound it is) with his stock power cords or fancy (read expensive) cords.
Metaphysics: I agree with all the posters who said to put the $ in the amp. You will gain more sonic improvement with a great amp as opposed to great power cords. Once you settle on the amp you want, you can always then by trial an error marry it with the proper pwr cord. P.S. IMHO your BAT walks all over the Levinson. The OTL's Viva mention might be interesting...Lush Mids.
I agree word for word with Mikeam. How u b Mikeam. My best to you and your family