Clou Blue Jaspis for Senn HD 580/600 Headphones

Can anyone who has replaced stock Sennheiser cord with Blue Jaspis (or Red Jaspis) comment on what effect it has on sound. Is this a significant upgrade over stock cords?

I know they look very cool, do they sound as good as they look?
Sam; I have 600s. Where are these custom cords available? Cost? I'm interested in your question too. Thanks. Craig.
Craig those sneaky guys at Headroom have them, but you have to go to Yahoo site to see them listed:

The salesman at Headroom says they really open sound up without sounding bright. They look really cool also, but wanted to get some independent member feedback on these
Do a search on "Clou" at either or Generally, the views I've seen have been favorable. However, I don't recall any specifics at this point.
