advice for an old newbie

after a 23 year hiatus from vinyl i now want to jump back in. am considering a beginner's package of Pro-Ject (Austrian) Perspective turntable with Pro-ject tone arm & Benz low-end MC cartridge. package costs $1100. is this a reasonable system for an old newbie ? any other suggestions for the same budget ? Thanks. Bob.
A friend of mine recently got the Pro-ject. I gave him a used Van den Hul 10 cartridge. It's an excellent set-up. I think the Pro-ject is a real value in the $1k range. Enjoy it--and welcome back to vinyl.
Well, you have two other choices of very good tables and arms: 1) Rega Planar 3 with Rega RB300 arm; and 2) VPI HW-19 "Junior" table with AudioQuest or Rega arms. If you are willing to buy used gear, I'd look for a VPI HW-19 Mark 3 table with any good tonearm (Rega, AudioQuest, Basis, etc.).
I've seen the package you describe for a bit less than $1,000 while researching tables, as I am in a similar situation (sold my SOTA three years ago and the LP's are stashed away). My impression is that the Basis 1400 ($400 more than the Perspective with an RB250, $600 more with an RB300)is more substantial, has better parts (i.e. exact same motor as their higher end models) and better build quality. I think the Perspective is very nice for $1,000 but I think I'd feel better in the long run spending a little more, so I don't get that "buying fever" as soon.

The Basis also has an upgrade path while the Perspective has nowhere to go. I saw an ad (somewhere...) for a 1400, RB300 and Glider for $1700. I'm also going to check out the Gyro Deck and look at used tables <$2,000. I've got to noodle with this a while longer...
i tink ewe should strongly consider a used 'table, especially at this price-point - it puts ya on the cusp of the entry to some of the best 'tables out there: linn lp-12, vpi hw-19, sota wacuum 'tables, pink triangle, kuzma, well-tempered, oracle delphi, yust to mention a few.

i'm partial to the oracle - i picked one up in *excellent* condition - w/arm, cartridge & shipping, it was *still* only $850. of course, i got the upgrade-bug, & have more money into it now, but that's the beauty of it (besides its innate beauty!): it can be updated to current spec. even outta the box, the oracle killed my prewious cj walker cj-5, which was heavily-modded, & the sonic equivalent to what's awailable for ~$1k gnu, imho. vpi's, well-tempered's & linn's can also be updated, not sure about the others.

anyway, i believe any of these 'tables will be a significant yump in sound-quality over anyting awailable for a similar price that's purchased brand-gnu.

ymmv, doug s.

I have enjoyed upgrading my VPI turntable over the years. I started with the Jr. and have worked my way up to the mk4 with JMW Memorial arm and Benz Glider catridge. I would suggest a table that you can upgrade.