i tink ewe should strongly consider a used 'table, especially at this price-point - it puts ya on the cusp of the entry to some of the best 'tables out there: linn lp-12, vpi hw-19, sota wacuum 'tables, pink triangle, kuzma, well-tempered, oracle delphi, yust to mention a few.
i'm partial to the oracle - i picked one up in *excellent* condition - w/arm, cartridge & shipping, it was *still* only $850. of course, i got the upgrade-bug, & have more money into it now, but that's the beauty of it (besides its innate beauty!): it can be updated to current spec. even outta the box, the oracle killed my prewious cj walker cj-5, which was heavily-modded, & the sonic equivalent to what's awailable for ~$1k gnu, imho. vpi's, well-tempered's & linn's can also be updated, not sure about the others.
anyway, i believe any of these 'tables will be a significant yump in sound-quality over anyting awailable for a similar price that's purchased brand-gnu.
ymmv, doug s.