Any good.... JPS

Looking for an opinion on the JPS Kaptovator as I am considered it for my power amp. What is the sonic signature like as compare with say the Fatboy or the King Cobra?
The point of the matter Mr Brulee, the point that I'm trying to make regarding power line components, is that it is best that each individual do their own exploring and come to their own conclusions.. Do you have the same frame of reference as the person asking the question? The same tastes? The same equipment? Based on what I've seen and heard, the FIM is worthy of an audition in it's price range. I've seen elsewhere, that the FIM was not the first choice among those cables...Are the people that do not find as you do simply deluded? Or, less astute listeners? I don't think so. I've evaluated, reviewed or owned over 40 different power-line products, from that I learned that chhosing a reference for ones system is a very personal journey. Mr Nex has a good group of recommended PC's to choose from, why shouldn't he do his own listening and come to his own conclusions? Isn't that the whole point of our hobby? What's to be lost in that? Why are you pushing the FIM so hard?
Thanks you guys for sharing so passionate about the type of pc you would used. I was merely try to take a short-cut in my "listen for yourself and trust your ears" route by narrowing a couple from the recommendations here. Cheers, enjoy the music and stay kool.
Thanks you guys for sharing so passionately about the type of pc you would used. I was merely trying to take a short-cut in my "listen for yourself and trust your ears" route by narrowing a couple from the recommendations here. Cheers, enjoy the music and stay kool.
Samuel's advice is solid. I couldn't agree more. So far as the dealers noted, I personally have dealt with Galen Carol and found him quite informative, fair and willing to give a 5 day in home trial before you decide. I really like the way he conducts his business. I haven't listened to everything out there but I do sometimes raise an eyebrow when I see certain of the same individuals tout a product in one thread after the next. It may be enthusiam or it may be something more. Listen with your own ears. Also no need to spend more than is required. Why does more expensive always have to equate to "better", I don't believe it is always so.
Samuel, I agree with you. I have been a KC owner and thought it was going to be a long time before another PC came along that could better it. Maybe my enthusiam has got the best of me. The FIM pc is about $1000 less than KC and IMO is a much better PC. The only motive I have is to spread the word on what I think is the finest PC made. I have made comparisons and all I am doing is telling others of what I heard. I thought that was what this forum was about. Of course you should do comparisons for yourself, I think that goes without saying. Tubegroover, I am an audiophile who is just trying to help. I have nothing to do with FIM. I will not apologize for my enthusiam of FIM. I do apologize if I came on too strong. I got this way when I heard my first SET amp. I understand some of the raised eyebrows. I will in future posts, remember your constuctive criticisms and take them for what they are worth. I do not have the communication skills that many of you have but I am learning.