Any good.... JPS

Looking for an opinion on the JPS Kaptovator as I am considered it for my power amp. What is the sonic signature like as compare with say the Fatboy or the King Cobra?
Samuel's advice is solid. I couldn't agree more. So far as the dealers noted, I personally have dealt with Galen Carol and found him quite informative, fair and willing to give a 5 day in home trial before you decide. I really like the way he conducts his business. I haven't listened to everything out there but I do sometimes raise an eyebrow when I see certain of the same individuals tout a product in one thread after the next. It may be enthusiam or it may be something more. Listen with your own ears. Also no need to spend more than is required. Why does more expensive always have to equate to "better", I don't believe it is always so.
Samuel, I agree with you. I have been a KC owner and thought it was going to be a long time before another PC came along that could better it. Maybe my enthusiam has got the best of me. The FIM pc is about $1000 less than KC and IMO is a much better PC. The only motive I have is to spread the word on what I think is the finest PC made. I have made comparisons and all I am doing is telling others of what I heard. I thought that was what this forum was about. Of course you should do comparisons for yourself, I think that goes without saying. Tubegroover, I am an audiophile who is just trying to help. I have nothing to do with FIM. I will not apologize for my enthusiam of FIM. I do apologize if I came on too strong. I got this way when I heard my first SET amp. I understand some of the raised eyebrows. I will in future posts, remember your constuctive criticisms and take them for what they are worth. I do not have the communication skills that many of you have but I am learning.
To all of the above- I think that there are certain assumptions (dangerous, I know) that can be made about individuals that are truly interested in "expensive" high-end products. Namely, they have already learned that buying without listening can be very expensive and unfulfilling. Also, don't believe everything you read, whether it's in a glossy mag or in a forum. If the conversation dealt with components at the cost-effective end of the spectrum, then one could assume that more cautious recommendations be given because the individual asking the question(s) may very well be a less experienced audiophile. I have been at fault at not prefacing every forum response with warnings about buying without listening. To do so would be tedious and, eventually, unproductive as the warnings would be glossed over if they appeared in every response. This is just human nature- get to the good stuff quickly. A bit of a cynical attitude is quite healthy in this hobby/addiction of ours. However, to suggest that an enthusiastic recommendation only comes from an overt act based somehow on personal gain is beyond cynical. If you feel it necessary to offer some cautious words of advice, all who read them will benefit. To respond, as was done here, suggesting that an individual may have some ulterior motive, was more than "heavy handed". Each response by a member must be presumed to have come from personal experience. If you are in doubt, simply asking the individual's point of reference should be sufficient to help clarify the position. To immediately assume that the individual is out to "con" or mislead others for personal gain only because they've recommended a product xyz (rather than your favorite abc component possibly?) serves very little purpose. Again, I resoundingly agree with the recommendation to listen to any product before you buy. I agree that a bit of skepticism is wise and even healthy in this hobby. Let your own ears be the final judge! At the same time, lets maintain a civil, if not friendly, discourse even when we may disagree. Just my .02
I must assume you're referring to my post. I made no such nefarious suggestion, I merely asked a question. The member Brulee's response was reasonable and I accept it at face value, I appreciate his candor. My comments were also referenced on his post in another thread that "xyz is the best in every application". I'm sorry, but if he can promote that notion, why should I be restrained from opininig that that is NOT true in a civil manner? Moreover, your ("rather than your favorite abc possibly?")comment is IMO more insinuating and provocative than anything I wrote above. Since I rarely, if ever see anything but "favorites" promotion here, I thought a few words of caution were in order. I can recount hundreds of "buy because it's popular" incidents that I've seen and heard about. The convenience and cost cutting internet shopping boards often make impulse buying irresistable, I was interested in cautioning against such methods of purchase with PC's. Having money, or buying luxury priced products does NOT necessarily mean the purchaser is wise or free of impulse, as you seem to intimate. I really don't get your "heavy handed" comment or "beyond cynical". I see none of that in this thread, if you do, be specific. I'm a little taken aback by your comments, they seem to me to be extreme given the circumstances and reasonable exchanges above.
Mr. Samuel- As you will note, I did NOT intend to single you out in my previous response as you weren't the only participant on this thread. It was the general tenor of the responses that caused my retort. If I read more into the comments than intended, I will apologize. However, since you did respond to my general criticism, I will offer specifically what I found disturbing. First, you were the one who claimed that there was "covert promotion" occurring at this site. Your general style of questions in the next response ended with an accusatory sentence that I could not help but infer that you believed that the person in question, Brulee, might have some other than honest reason to recommend a particular product. This suggestion was then furthered by a subsequent respondent. As I'm sure that you can understand, this type of -shall I use a word as strong as ATTACK- of another's character based solely on supposition is quite distasteful - as you obviously found my non-specific reference to "product abc?". This was a completely non-specific comment and I regret that you found it to be so personal. In contrast, imagine what Brulee, and anyone else reading this thread, might have inferred from the very personal insinuation levied in the thread. Again, if I read too much into the responses or insulted you personally, I do apologize.