TT: Aries or Delphi V

I am considering a new turntable purchase. Any views on VPI Aries vs Oracle? I need small footprint solution and these fit the bill. Cost is not the issue for me, but sound quality is. I would use the VPI-10 tonearm. It seems that the VPI is easier to setup and is cheaper.
Both are fine TT's, but I'd vote for the VPI Aries, particularly with the JMW-10 arm. I have a VPI HW-19 Mark 4 table (with Rega RB900 arm), but have spent a lot of time listening to an Aries that belongs to a friend, and it is a fine front end. The Aries and JMW-10 are a great combo, and will serve you very well.
I have an Aries. One thing to consider is that a JMW-12 actually fits on a standard size Aries. I have one mounted but can only use 2 of the 3 mounting holes on the arm board. I did compare the JMW12 with the 10 and found the 12 to give a more accurate sound.

I also have upgraded to the TNT V platter and bearing. Excellent combo. Highly recommended.
If you are using the JMW arm use the Aries. Keep in mind that the Aries does not have a suspension. It is very important for any turntable, but especially the Aries, that you istall it in a good solid/isolated base.

I own the Oracle with a Graham 2, on an Arcici Dead head, and Air Head. I like the sound, I like the looks. The Aries with the JMW arm,especialy the 12, on a solid/isolated base could be your last turntable. Wory more about cartridges and phono pres after that.
I think the Oracle Delphi V/Graham 2.2 is a step up in performance compared to the Aries/JWM combo. It is no-contest in terms of beauty, the Delphi win hands down.
The Delphi V (with turbo supply and granite base) is comparable in performance to the TNT mk5 at 2/3 the price.
Hi there,

Very pleased with the fine sounds my Delphi 5/Turbo/SME5/Benz Ref recover from those black grooves. Its a more manageable size and it sure is sexy too.