Any worthwhile indoor FM antenna's? Anyone?

I need a better antenna than the "T" type dipole. I tried a Magnum Dynalab Silver Ribbon indoor antenna and it performed worse than the dipole. Are there any worthwhile indoor antenna's that will outperform the dipole "T" type? Thanks for the interest and replies.
I use the Magnum Dynalab ST-2 with good results. Much better than the Terk types. It was good, vertically mounted behind the "Mother of all Cabinets", but it got much better mounted in the attic. Stucco is hard on reception. Got it at Audio Advisor and used a coupon as I hate paying retail.
If your signal is strong a coat hanger will work as well as anything. A simple omnidirectional "turnstile" antenna on the roof will outperform any high tech indoor unit. If you are in a fringe area (like me) you need a large directional rooftop antenna with rotator.
You might try a Radio Shack FM Amplified antenna. Catalog number 15-1833. It has a fine tuning control on it. I don't know if it is still being sold but it will outperform a "T" dipole. It sold for $29.99.