Suggestions for CD/DVD player for my mac mini

I am building a music server using a mac mini 2011 . Since it doesn't come with a CD/DVD player I need one to play and rip my CD collection. What is a descent player I could use to get good quality rips from my music collection? I would like to keep the price around 200 dollars if possible. Any suggestions?
You put the cd's in the mini to burn them. Not sure about DVD's. I have another player for that.
05-20-12: Bjesien
"You put the cd's in the mini to burn them. "

The 2011 mini does not have a drive built in- have to buy an outboard.
You don't rip CDs with a CD player, you rip them with an optical drive on a computer, a CD-ROM or a DVD-ROM, then play them back from the computer's hard drive. That is one advantage of PC audio, it takes the laser pick up in the CD player out of the signal path. This laser pick up can be a big source of jitter, especially in cheaper CD players.
If your mac-mini has no optical drive, a mac-compatible external optical drive is needed. This where I jump off. I'm a PC.