V15xMR or Blue Point Special

I would like some opinions as to which cartridge would be the better choice for my table, the Shure V15xMR or the Sumiko Blue Point Special. My table is a SOTA Saphire with an MMT arm. I currently switch between a Shure type IV and a Sumiko Talisman Alchemist 1A. Any other recommendations? Thanks in advance!
Well, what differences, if any, do you hear between the Talisman and the type IV? I had a Type III and a Blue Point...Pretty much the same...Shure cartridges have four wheel drive, if you know what I mean. The Sumiko is not a good tracker. However, space and dynamics is where it excels...

What are you looking for?
The MMT arm is a medium-mass arm, and both the Shure and the Blue Point will work well with that arm. Regarding sound quality, each cartridge has its strong points. The Shure is a phenomenally good tracking cartridge, and the newest version -- the V15VxMR -- is also a bit warmer and more musical than earlier versions. Without some extended listening to both cartridges, it would be hard to know which will best suit your tastes. I have owned and used both cartridges, although I did not have both at the same time. I presently have two cartridges that I use -- and one of them is the Shure V15VxMR. You can get the Shure for about $230 from Garage-A-Records (http://www.garage-a-records.com/), and at that price there is no other cartridge that even comes close to its performance. If you need a final selling point, consider that the Shure's stylus assembly can be easily replaced. I understand from an ad I read that Shure is soon going to increase the price of the V15VxMR, so you may want to act soon.
I prefer the type IV on most rock, the Talismam for classical and seem to be split 50/50 on jazz. The type IV has more weight to it, while the Talisman is definitely more refined. I would have to say that I am looking for something that blends the best of both. It's been a while since I have auditioned anything new and figured this was the best place to get some advice. The type IV is nearing retirement and I am looking to compile a short list to audition.