Playing back 78s? Where do I start?

I think I made a big mistake today buying a 78 since I have no way of playing it back. I already have a major vinyl sickness so what's adding another little twist. My system right now is a VPI 3.5 w/Grado Reference, ARC Ref1 and RefPhono so I really don't care about cost as much as I care about getting the most out of the discs. Will an old Thorens do? Any suggestions or advice greatly appreciated.
Thanks for all the suggestions! I will get a proper stylus.
Is the tonearm very important? I do remember about the speed variation. I was thinking that perhaps if I got the SDS for my VPI that it could work at 78 rpm? Then another tonearm tube with the Benz cartridge. But that would be too simple.
What kind of potential fidelity is available from 78's?
I love mono recordings as it is and have even been thinking about getting the Helikon MONO Cartridge.
Since making my last post, I noticed on Grado's Web site that they have a new cartridge for use with 78-rpm records, and it has 4 different size styli for use with records in varying conditions of wear. No price posted on the site, but maybe worth looking into.
I am working on it. I have a Technics SP10 with a SME 3009 arm that I got from a radio station. I need some kind of a decent base, but it does spin at 78 so it might get me started. Thanks for the suggestion on the Grado, I will check it out.