Torn between JPS and Black Mamba for cd player

The JPS is half the price on the used market. Any comments? THX
you should try bmi whale mk11 ,i have tried many and it is
the only one that get out of the way and do everything
cxorrect they are very transparent and have no signature at all,more air,more body ,sweet,no flaw of any kind
I will say this without hesitation as I have learned the hard way. The better things in life are usually more expensive and that is no secret. I have personally not auditioned the JPS but the Black Mamba gave me wonderful results in my system on my digital source.

I would advise you to purchase and try both cords. Sell the one that is inferior in your system. That is the great thing about AudiogoN. Also have a good friend help you with the A&B comparison. That is really the only way to tell...

I use the JPS digital and JPS power AC cords and comapred them in my sytem directly to Analysis Plus, TG Audio Silver and recently the Audience power cord. I found that the JPS sounded right for my personal tastes. The differences wre very minor between but the JPS had a blacker background, sweeter in the mids, solid, clear bass notes and held notes just a little longer. Some may find this a little slow but I prefered it overall.