Power/Line conditioner

I was given a Power/Line conditioner that was used on a large copy machine. It is from IEPS electronics model LC1500. This unit remanufactures the power and delivers it at a constant level. I've read that some of these type of units are "made" for stereo equipment, and this one was definitly made for office equipment. What information do I have to look for on the web site to tell if this unit will be beneficial to my system? The price was right, but I dont want to degrade from what I have now.
Be careful, I think you have the wrong thing. The only audio power regenerators are made by PS audio. Of the commerical power centers made by APC (American Power Conversion) there is only one that will work with an audio system (it was not designed for one). The rest will probably harm your equipment and yours may also. Computer and copiers have different power needs. I would pass if I were you.
Sugarbrie: Which APC model (for hifi) are you referring to? We have an APC model LR1250 coming in this week that I was going to try on the main stereo system (it was mentioned in another thread). I need to use it on the computer for now, because of the Brown outs in LA, but was considering picking up another for the stereo. Thanks. David.
ton1313: i have the same IEPS device on my office copier. it is not designed for audio use. BTW, sugarbrie, ps audio is not the only one out there that makes what they describe as "power regenerators." (ac>dc>ac) i have one that's about 10 years old that was made by CSE, a japanese company. accuphase also makes one and i think there are several others available from different manufacturers.
There is an earlier thread that talks about the APC stuff. It has something to do with the type of current it gives out. You could call APC I suppose or search threads on power conditioning.
Also thanks Cornfedboy. I was only familiar with the PS Audio. Seems to be the only one that gets talked about.