SIlver Cable Experiences?

I will be purchaseing Silver Cable from and would like to know what peoples experiences are using Silver for either Speaker Cables or Interconnects.

My experience is they are harsh and bright. I thought they added detail-at first- but it was just different sound, after enough listening it was appearant that it did unusual thing to the upper frequences- which I am told are good if you are using SET amps. Some prefer the silver sound I just felt that it didn't sound like 'real' music and that is what I am trying to accomplish with my rig- the reproduction of the original recording and I didn't feel that silver was helping me get any closer to my goal. I tried a few silver cables and they are all the same(essentially), one day I put an old copper cable I had back in and haven't looked back, so much more relaxing and laid back, to me silver sounds uptight. ~Tim
Silver cabling is no different than any other "component" in a system. Some work, some don't and some are up to personal tastes. I've found that some silver cables sound far more "edgy" than others, even after running them on my cable burner for extended periods of time. Like anything else, it is a matter of putting the component to test in your system and seeing what you think. If something sounds horrible, it probably always will ( within the confines of that system or specific use ). Sean
I personally don't care for pure silver cables, in my system they are too bright. I do however love hybrid cable, copper and silver, with my current set-up these sound the best. I use Kimber Select KS-3035 speaker cables and Straightwire Crescendo IC's. I have not yet tried a silver power cable, maybe one of these days I will. In my opinion hybrids are the way to go, the best of both worlds...