VPI Scout JMW 9 owners help needed

I just noticed my JMW9 tungsten carbide tip can be moved up and down by 1/4" or so when I pulled on it. It doesn't come out completely, but is that normal?

And how straight is your tungsten carbide tip? I can see my tip slightly bended with magnifier and this table only has 5 hours on it.
I've worried about bending mine from having to crank down so hard on the counter weight to tighten it when adjusting vtf, has anyone else worried about this, or am i just being anal.
No, it's crossed my mind as well, that's one of the reasons I've decided to have someone else align my cart.
You should not have to crank down hard on the set screw to tighten up the counterweight. Hold the counterweight between the thumb and forefinger, use the supplied wrench and turn until you feel resistance. The counterweight will be secure.

Even if you are applying "force" to it, if the armwand is seated properly (tungstan tip in the bearing cup of the arm), you won't bend the tip. If you do bend it, or if you have a bent one, it needs to be addressed as the arm will never track properly like that.
Thanks for the input.

The 2 set screws for VTA are tight, but the tip can be pulled up and down by 1/8" or so. I don't think it will create any problem since arm's weight will keep it down, but better safe than sorry.

As for the tip, I was very careful when setting my cartridge up and never exerted down force on the arm. I don't think I heard any audible difference, but then I don't know how long the tip has been "bened". No the magnifier is not very high quality, but I can see the tip slightly bend from any angles.

Guess I better give VPI a call?
Everyone at VPI was on Vacation all of last week, however they return on Tues 8/24 so give em a call.