Simple & Effective Conversion Software

To our computerphiles:

I am slowly but inexorably tiptoeing into computer audio waters. and need software to convert downloaded FLAC or other codec files into Apple Lossless,so I can play songs through iTunes and load my iPod. The only other use I might have for such software is ripping/burning, although as far as I can tell, iTunes works just fine.

Should I get dbPoweramp? MediaMonkey? JRiver? I do not want to be overwhelmed with unnecessary complexity nor pay for utilities I will not use.

Thank you for your help.

Thanks for the clarification, Tobias. I am reasonably computer literate but not so much on music and codecs, etc.

I thought iTunes could accommodate hi res downloads if they were in ALAC format? Or is that true, but an iPod cannot take them?

Now you can tell why I have been reluctant to convert to computer audio. Too many layers of complication.


Neal, iTunes can indeed take in hi-res formats. I have both 24/88 and 24/96 in mine.

It will not play them back at those higher resolutions except from the computer, and then only if you have a sound card or external box that can handle them. I have used a M-Audio Audiophile USB device to do this, and now an Apogee Duet or an Apogee Mini-DAC. These last two use FireWire.

The iPod can't handle any resolution higher than CD: 16/44. I have reprocessed a few high-res files ( downsampling from 24/88 to 16/44 ) on my PowerBook to get that music onto the iPod. I did the downsampling using Wave Editor software, then imported the resulting files using iTunes.

It's possible to have the same music in two different formats in your iTunes library, but better to give the versions names which distinguish them.
Thank you, Tobias. This clarifies.

I have a W4S DAC2 which can handle hi rez.

Will try dbPoweramp to convert FLAC downloads to ALAC and then try and play from computer to DAC and see if anything explodes -- or if any sound comes out.

