Mapleshade and Maple Audio Cables

Has anyone heard of these cables? I find their websites full of claims to be giant killers. The Mapleshades are very inexpensive and claim to beat out transparent, monster, etc.
I ordered the MS cords but have not yet received them (I was told 2-3 weeks). From the photos the wire itself looks standard size, however the insulation is again of the "Slim Jim" wrapper variety (like plastic sandwich bag material) which will help cut down on the weight. I recall reading papers on the search for the ultimate super conducter in the 70's but don't beleive that it was ever found as far as high current goes anyway (other signal transfers have improved a lot though). I will be using the PC's on both my digital front (transport/DAC) and amp. With breakin and delivery time it is going to take awhile before I can comment on them, plus I can only compare them to HT Pro 11's. Within my price range (and self imposed mass limitation) it was kind of a toss up between MS and Silver Audio's Powerburst PC (which I would also like to try). Has anyone else had experience with the MS power cords?
I own one Silver Audio PowerBurst PC that I use on my Cary 94 preamp. I really like it there. It does a good job with the detail, at least on my system.
Deano, where are you, I know you switched over to all Mapleshade. You would be an excellent source!
Hasn't anyone noticed that the double helix interconnects sound very much like they look...thin. Very transparent yes, but partially because they lean out the sound. I did actually like them and consider them a good value,but,this sound didn't work in my system. Also, their fragility would be hard for me to live with. I will say that most thin sounding cables usually also sound grey and colorless. These don't have that effect at all. They are colorful, but not colored.
hifiharv, So by your own observastion, cables that are big should sound fat or thick?