Win a power cord.

Hey, we are having a contest. A little fun that started out as a joke but I thought I would share it with the Audiogon crowd. We build a cable to support our charity (see link: and click on "New Stories") Anyway, we have run into a problem in that we don't have a name for the power cord that we sell. I came up with the brilliant idea of having a contest where people could offer suggestions. Winner (decided by me) gets a free 6ft Power Cable. Maybe 70242.241 could win a power cord and see the light! Anyway... all proceeds for the sale of cords go to benefit our charity. See following link:

Come on... pitch in this could be fun.

Actually we are replacing the "UnderDog" name. Bob Crump who designed the cable didn't like it. Plus we were afraid Time Warner would consider it copyright infringement!

thanks, ewe can yust send me the cord now. the *power* cord, that is... :>) email me off-forum for my home address.

thank you, doug ;~)