aurios isolation and espresso

I was curious if anyone had the same experience I've had.When I placed three aurios media bearings under my gran gaggia espresso maker the flavor of the coffee took on a greater depth with more detail in the low dark range and the aftertaste had greater resonance.Any feedback is profoundly appreciated.Ciao.
Have you got any science to back that up? How about DBTs? Do we have to spit out like in wine tasting (disgusting, if necessary habit, I guess). If not, I am not sure that caffeine saturated testers may not go at each others throats. I have long ago advocated the use of air fresheners in listening rooms, since sound is basically the movement of air, I surmise that making that air smell nice also makes it sound nice and, threfore, should be an added balm to our senses. For Italian music, let's say Paolo Conte, the smell of espresso would be great. Pleasing to the nose, palate and ear, what more could you want?
You'll get better results with a dedicated circuit for your machine rather than a high dollar power cord. If you can't do the dedicated line, think about a PS Audio Ultimate Lab Cable. It's thick and unwieldy, but the total lack of bitter aftertaste is worth it.
Audiopoints,and Sistrum platforms ratio's are designed around the Coulomb's law of physics. Placing Audiopoints under my microwave increased it's effciency and allowed me to decrease my popcorn popping time by about 12 seconds. The same is probably also true if you were to place Audiopoints under your expresso maker. Just think you could enjoy the caffeine buzz seconds well as benefit the environment.
You guys are so full of crap. I tried the Aurios bearings under my gaggia classic and could not taste a difference. maybe my taste buds are screwed but that is just junk the high-end coffee machine dealers try to screw you with. yeah, right, "more detail in the low dark range"... Get a decent grinder if you really want to improve your espresso.
The water.

You forgot the most important component: the water!
Normal distilled water, or mineral water won't do.

The water has to be from the top of some remote, god-forsaken, mountain glacier. Sealed and transported to your doorstep in a foil-and-mylar covered, EMI-shielded, teflon bag. The final trip from the refridgerator to the coffee-maker has to be conducted by a virgin. The water is then poured into the coffee maker by virgin hands.

Try it.
The coffee will taste different.

Seriously, though, folks, just get a Brita water filter, eh?
