What's it worth if you sold it today?

Many people discuss what their system cost vs. list price, etc., but recent times have caused people to sell off equipment for more essential needs. I don't carry my audio equipment on my "books" as an asset that I could liquidate, but I thought about it yesterday (what I'd raise by full sell-off) vs. what I have in it. This is what I came up with:

Retail $31900

Paid $24900

Sell $16900

The Sell price will drop off fast as my system includes an expensive pre/pro, which tend to lose value quickly. Anyway, what would you get? -Kirk

Well compared with the stock market over the last couple of years I say it's a brilliant investent. Not to mention the functionality aspect.

They key is to buy good solid pieces that are deflation-proof, so to speak. I system would have cost someone $7.5k-8.5k to buy new using real world prices. I paid about $2.5k, so far. I'd be surprised if I couldn't get almost $2k out of it, here on audiogon. I could probably get the full $2.5k invested if I "parted it out" on eBay. Without a doubt.

I'm lucky that my digital front end was purchased at the END of it's depreciation curve. I'm waiting until last to invest is anything significant in regards to digital, since it is such a poor investment compared to other components. Ideally I'm like to find a EVS Millennium II DAC with AES/EBU inputs. I'd actually "spurge" on one of those. :-) (*hint, hint*)
I've just figured out that the most expencive component I have is a SOFTWARE that some of that I need to liquidate on ebay or here or somewhere to get back some bucks for a new stuff to buy(maybe even components)
Lexicon DC1 paid: 5000 resell now: 1400:( (on a good day)
Anthem Amp2 1300 1000:)
CD Changer 300 $2.50 (on a good day)
Marantz DVD18 1100 600ish:(
Paradigm Ref 100s 1300 800ish:)
Monster Power LC 600:( give it away for a dirty
picture...or $350:/
Analisys+Oval 9 350ish:) 250-300ish??:)
Transparent ICs 150used:) 150:)
Marantz MA500 300ish 160ish:/
Paradigm CC 500 ?????
Rears 400 200ish:/

i like the question!!!!
Your system is worth whatever someone in this free market is willing to pay for it. I love this website because it is a great example of how the free market economy works. This free market constantly corrects itself due to the fact that equilibrium, the price at which buyers actually buy and sellers actually sell, is naturally found through our transactions.

Has anyone else ever emailed someone who lists the same item that you have listed at a lower price and complain to them? I know that it is part of the free market, but it is upsetting.