Nitty Gritty or VPI, Which record cleaner ? ? ? ?

Hi, I'm getting back into vinyl and would like to buy a semiautomatic or automatic record clesner. I'm thinking about the Nitty Gritty 1.5 fi or the VPI 16.5.
Any help in this matter will be deeply appreciated.
Ag insider logo xs@2xramond
I also own a Nitty Gritty and agree with Drubin. If you spend more more now you will not regret it.
While i don't know this for certain, i'm pretty sure that VPI build the Sota machines for them. I do know that they look a LOT alike. Sean
I must be the only Nitty Gritty owner here who's happy with mine. Bought it in l983 or thereabouts, have cleaned thousands of records with it, and it soldiers on. I like the fact that there's no platter to put stuff BACK on the record. When mine finally dies, I'm going to get a Record Doctor (made by Nitty Gritty) or a new NG. FWIW, Dave