Power Cord For Audio Research gear

Hi folks........I just purchased an Audio Research LS25 and PH3 SE......any suggestions from you all as to the best power cord for them????

I am using the Stealth M-7 with my ARC preamp with excellent results. Stevemj: Since you don't believe in this "Voodoo", why don't you take up another hobby, like stamp collecting, and leave us alone?
Stevemj,since you have tin ears and cant hear please refrain from commenting.
leaf - I will leave chastened and humbled if you will merely grace me and any other interested reader with your understanding of effect of power cords on the fidelity of amplifiers. I am particularly interested in hearing you explain the theory and principles which cause this phenomenon. No hand waving, please. Give me real analysis.
I have used the MIT2 and AudioQuest cords... Better than stock -- the best?? probably not
Stevemj: Hate to burst your bubble but you are not the center of the universe. The onus is not upon this forum to convert you. If you seek conversion, go to a revival meeting. You've got plenty of them in the Southeast. If you want to learn about wire technology, read up!