Which tubes is better. Siemens or Telefunken?


I need help. I recently brought a Musical Fidelity X-10D for my Pioneer CLD-97 LD player. Right now the X-10D has Philips ECC88 tubes and i want to change it to another tubes for better sound. Which brand of tubes should i get?
Siemens, Telefunken or another brand?

fletchj is absolutely right in my opinion and rch10 at IBM probably has never heard what tubes can do. Cheers,
A good NOS tube will be very quiet also.They are perfect for phono stages.
I have 2 Telefunken 12AX7's in my Rogue 99 phono and the noise floor is almost as quiet as my old Lehmann Black Cube... which is saying alot!!
What's better- Chocolate or Vanilla ?? Siemens and Telefunkens are two of the finest NOS tube brands ever produced. You must determine exactly what characteristics you are after in a tube and then find the tube(s) to fill that specific need. If your component uses more than 1 pr. of tubes in the output stage- also consider a combination of different tube brands. Think of it as adding various spices to the sauce- A great sauce typically doesn't just contain salt and pepper.
I just took out the 2 Philips SQ E80CC’s in the front of my Jadis Orch reference and rolled to the Siemens E80CC.
The Philips blows away any and every AU, ever made, including all Tele/Siemens, ampereex./philips,
But the Siemens blew away the Philips ,,,go figure,,I;d say ’Siemens tubes all, are top dogs, /King of all tubes.
= expenisve, but worth it.
I am trying to get all E288CC’s/Siemens(288 is the big boys in 6922's) in my Cayin cd17, bought 2 with full print = authentic Siemens, NOS, pair $150/baragin froma California seller. Will buy his other 2 when i have cash,,,now i will also buy NOS/or strong 12AX7’s for my jadis Defy, takes a quad, = don’t have to match, will pay no more than say,,,$60/ea.
<<<<will consider Dyanco which are Siemens.
<<want long plates.
<<<am telling you Siemens are the best tubes in the world, No hype, no snakeoil.
Those guys who made those tubes back in the 60’s/70’s really madea King of all preamp tubes.
<<<Love Philips/Amperex, but sadly, i have to dump that entire collection for all 100% Siemens,,I am not going to collect tubes any longer.
Siemens are simply magical,,My 2nd choice would be Teles.
But considering what someone wrote about, Siemens are my 1st and only choice, Detailed, airy.
<<<am telling you, i was really surprised at the siemens E80CC’s blowing out the highly regarded Philips SQ E80CC’s.
<<< have to sell all my E80ccs and get 4 more Siemens for my upcomming purchase of the Cayin SC6 preamp,,has,,FOUR!!!! AU sectiosn = 4 Siemens E80CC’s,,,,,,don’t get no better.
<<< will run 2 Siemens E288CC’s in one channel of the cayin 17 MARK1 and 2 Philips PCC88/1970 NOS ($22 each/ebay) and see how the Siemens respond.
No not at all worried about extra current in the 288’s.
cayin has hefty trans. Unit built likea tank.
mozartfan, Dynaco used mostly Tele's for small signal tubes. Fisher used a lot to.
Just because one brand sounds good in one spot on one particular device has no bearing on what it might do on another device. A lot has to do with the operating parameters of that particular device.
That's why it's nice to have a varied collection of tube types and brands. Even good used tubes are good for rolling, when you find the tone you like than look for NOS if you desire.
mozartfan, I'm interested in your Amperex tubes.
