Which cables for B W N803 s and Bryston7

I currently have B&W Nautilus 803's and an HTM-1. I'm buying 3 Bryston 7B-ST monoblocks to run them. I'm looking for some advice on a speaker cable that would "fit" well with this setup. I'd like to bi-wire them and am trying to stay somewhat reasonable with the cost ($500-$1000). The lengths would be 20' runs to the mains and a 12' run to the center. I've been looking at Tara Labs (RSC1000), Analysis Plus (Oval 9's and 12's), ZuCable (Julian), Audioquest (Bedrock), TMC and a few others. Thanks for any help.
Best Regards,

All of the above recommendations are solid, and I would add the XLO Double Bi-Wire: this may be beyond your budget, at that length, but even the ER-11s are great.

I second the point on the connects: both the B&Ws and the Brystons have troublesome connections.
Bryston makes cables and sell its own brand of spades, they're on the web maybe you should contact them.
Personally I love Audioquest Sterling coming off the 4B-ST in my audio system. The Sterling might be priced a little high, but most that you can buy now is used so a price break is garranteed. However, I do use Transparent MusicWave Plus Bi-wire for my home theater. Its good stuff, and cheaper. I like it alot.
You choice of TaraLab RSC 1000 would be a wise choice. However, I suggest each cable for single pole connection, that would bring the performance up a couple notches.
Spades: lately I have been having some DIYS fun with cables and the problem with some speakers and amps is usually a simple matter of needing the larger spade. The nomal ones sold here are1/4" and the larger ones are 5/16". There are several variations available also, but these seem to do it for a hack like me. I have both B&W and Bryston in my HT. I can't advise you on cable. I bought a 100meter spool of Canare and made all of my HT runs that way.