Solid Maple vs Butcher Block

Does anyone have any experience with solid maple vs maple butcher block? Solid maple is expensive but there is a relatively local facility that manufacturers maple butcher block that is affordable. I can get 2.875" (or thinner) maple butcher block cut to my requirements.

I am specifically looking at the butcher block for speaker stands. Now my speakers are spiked through carpet onto concrete.

But any "real" experience would be appreciated. If someone has compared the two for turntable stands or amp stands I would appreciate their observations.
I went from Michigan Maple, which is butcher block and which I liked a lot, to solid maple Mapleshade which I liked a lot more. The Mapleshade is more expensive but holds it's value very well.

Thank you for the response. Was Michigan Maple from a specific company? I did a search and several companies came up but they made cutting boards and counter tops.

What ways did either platform improve performance? What is your floor made of?
Michigan Maple is the name, they often sell on Audiogon and ebay. They are not an audio company but realized there was an audio market for their products My floors are wood.