Best Silver ICs under 300?

From all the posts I've seen it looks like all silver wiring is the way for me to go (EVo amp, tube pre-amp, Talon Audio Khites, etc...). I need a lot of wire and can't afford the high-end wires, so what's a reasonable man to do if he wants detailed, musically envolving sound? What's the best silver cable at real-world prices?
Make your own solid silver interconnects for under $50!! Check out Greg Weaver's article "Silver Signal Tape" at He describes how to make an interconnect similar in design to Mapleshade's that blew away more expensive competition. At this inexpensive price, it's worth building a pair or 2 if you posess basic soldering skills and a couple hours of time. He ordered 220 feet of 30 gauge ("thinner is better") solid silver wire for $23.10 from Myron Toback, Inc. in NYC. Their phone is 212-398-8300. I haven't built a pair yet, but I plan to and at less than $50, how can you go wrong? At least you would have an interconnect that you could use in auditioning new cables in your system prior to purchase. Good Luck!
A critical factor in buying and assembling DIY cable is the surface smoothness of the wire (as well as purity, which is not unusual to be overclaimed without certification).

You may be able to buy a roll of silver wire quite inexpensively, but the surface may not be well polished, and you could end up with rough, grainy sound. This is especially sensitive with silver, as it's very revealing. You might explore hand polishing techniques if building your own from spooled wire.

BEAR Labs now has a website partially up, with some specials.
Kevint, Audiogon often holds auctions for the DH Labs Silver Pulse. I won a 2 meter pair of these about 9 months ago for $195. I'm using these as a subwoofer cable right now, but plan to see how they compare to my Cardas Golden Cross which is between my CD and amp.

With these, the bass seems quit ample yet defined. I'm sorry I don't have more to tell you. If any other forunm members has an opinion on the Silver Pulse, that may be something you might want to look into.