Nordost Red Dawn revII vs SPM

Does anyone have any comparison conclusions about the
Nordost Red Dawn rev II against the SPM cables, both
interconnect and speaker. I the difference quite noticeable
and worth the large difference in price?
The SPM is much better than the Red Dawn. In fact, the Blue Heaven, at a lower cost than the Red Dawn, is in my opinion better to it --in every way. The Red Dawn is highly system dependent, whereas the Blue Heaven will work well in a variety of systems.
The red dawn is quite excellent, but the SPM is noticeably better in a high resolution system. I noticed an increase in detail almost immediately - and that was just swapping the amp/preamp cable alone. Part of it being worth it or not depends on the low level resolution of your system. For example: if I put the cable into my old denon/spica tc-60 system, I doubt if I could tell the difference. In my pass labs/audio physic virgo system, there was a noticable difference. Red dawn is a great cable by any measure.
Only You can decided:
Are you happier listening to a barely perceptibly increase in smoothness/detail, or watching your money shrivel away in tech stocks?
Believe it our not, as much as Red Dawn improved my Spica TC60/B&K system, the improvement wrought by SPM ICs was not subtle, quite obvious in fact. With the Alon V/Cary/Meitner system it was much more dramatic. Personally, I liked Red Dawn much better than Blue Heaven, both speaker & IC, fuller mids and bass. I think it's a fine cable. However, the SPM was better, and my new Quattro Fil is the best IC I've had in my system by a wide margin.
Rackon, do you find the Quattros emphasise the lower mid-range a bit? I am trying out the Quattros now (SPM ref for speakers) vs Bearlabs and Siltech silvers. Am using full sets from each manufacturer. I find (or am I imagining) that the Siltechs are a tad soft and "kindly euphonic" in the upper register, Bearlabs do not colour the system, and the Qs as above.
I had the same experience as you with Quattro vs SPM vs Red Dawn (never used BHeaven).
I agree that the Red Dawn is more system specific. The Blue Heaven is an excellent all around cable. Does not match the Red Dawn if the RD is in a system it is matched well for. By the way, I no longer have my Red Dawns, I have Siltech.